Monday, December 15, 2008

At Aunt Fay's Request...

So, apparently some people (at least within my family) actually read my blog and at aunt fay's request, I am going to start blogging again....starting NOW.

This has been a crazy six months. I graduated in may, moved the dog and my stuff to little rock, started a new job, made new friends, got adult furniture, learned new things, the usual life changing ridiculousness. Of course as my luck goes, three days after I started working it was announced to everyone's surprise that we were getting bought. That kicked off a whirlwind of emotions and very few actual answers. I have heard a dozen different dates, but it seems now that Verizon has the financing to move forward and that the date of the merger close should be sometime in january.

Initially, the idea of merging was scary and it will never be ideal, especially in light of our economic status and rampant layoffs across the country. But, after you've mulled over your impending doom and joblessness for six months, you start to come up with a life plan. I don't know if I'll have a job with Verizon, I don't know if I'll lose my job in Little Rock (although it seems pretty likely), I don't even know when anything will actually occur or when I'll even know what my future will be. Yikes! That is the part I'm trying not to dwell on. The good news is that I'm educated and mobile and I have to think that things will be ok. I have a good job right now and a little time to save up for possible joblessness. I have decided that if I do lose my job, I will pick a new place to live and find a temp agency and work until I find something permanent. Franklin may have to adjust his taste for stuffed animals and doggy day care, but other than that, I think we'll be alright.

The sad part is that I really love the people I work with and I truly enjoy my job. It's interesting and challenging and I have a boss that cares about her workers. I've been impressed with how willing everyone at work has been to help each other out. We pass around job postings and trade contacts, offer reccommendations and send out resumes. It remains a good atmosphere to work in and it is only slightly annoying when teams that are not as busy as mine hold fooseball tournaments by the elevators. It is nice, afterall, to have the option of playing fooseball, pacman and asteroids, if you ever need a break from work.

The next month should definitely be interesting. I'm heading to the remote carribean island of Bequia to celebrate my Mom's recent graduation/departure from the grueling hell that is working and going to school at the same time. It will be great to spend time with my family and explore a new part of the world. I will keep you updated on the merger and my state of mind throughout the transition and the next phases of my life. I do know that everything will be ok, no matter what happens. At this point, my sanity remains intact - hooray!


MC said...

hmm, my mother has a habit of sending me anything she finds on the internet about parents are building a house there. Thought I would say hello as I also work for Verizon, but in the UK. I might also lose my job, but then so can anyone, right! I went to Nice last year too. I've got some of the same pictures...and oddly enough I also started a blog and gave up on it assuming nobody was reading it...only to be asked by several people what happened. In fact, you never know what completely random person might be reading your blog...

scotttheorange said...

Hurrah for an IMBA updating their blog.