I should start off with the most important news, I got an internship. Finally, and about a month after i was supposed to get one, but don't worry there is still at least one other person in my program of 95 some odd people that had to wait to the last minute. I am mostly happy because 1) no more interviews in french and 2) I can graduate. life is good.
For those of you interested in the details, the interview day went a little something like this. I arrived in Lyon around 10 am and checked into my hotel. I took a little nap which was rudely interrupted by the cleaning lady (who by the way had already cleaned my room). Anyways, when i wake up in a nap haze, i don't speak french, and this lady didn't speak english, so when i said "hold on" I guess she thought that meant come right on in. But it was ok, i just didn't have the where withall to say "attendez, si vous plait." Anyways, after that, I watched some nouvelle star which is the french version of american idol, very exciting and then I left for my interview which was at 2. On the way to the interview, I was sitting on the tram when something wet hit my legs. And i'm not going to lie to you my first thought was this, "Oh my god, someone just peed on me. I'm going to this interview and someone just peed on me. I'm going to smell like urine at my interview. I'm going to have urine legs at this interview. URINE LEGS." Turns out though some guy had just spilled his coke on me, which was WAY better than getting peed on. needless to say. So, i show up at merial, looking all cute and professional and trying not to be nervous. The lady at the front desk tried to tell me i must be an english teacher, but i said no, i'm interviewing for an internship and she said, oh. Then, the guy who will be my boss came to get me. He was extremely nice. I explained my resume in french (go me) and then we switched to english to talk about the job and so he could ask me interview questions. That took about an hour. Then i met with another man who i think was my boss's way of getting a second opinion about me, but he was cool too. He asked me some hard questions though, like what don't you like about french people (he's french by the way). So, I answered that there seems to be an anti-american sentiment, especially with all the tourists running around yelling at people in english and being generally rude, and that that was something i dealt with when my french was basically non-existant. He seemed content with that answer. Yay, for avoiding disparaging remarks about your interviewers nationality. Then, my boss came back and walked me downstairs and said i would hear from him on friday or monday. But he actually called friday morning and offered me the position. I am very, very excited. It's in supply chain for an avian flu vaccine. Basically, I have to figure out how to make his job easier by creating key performance indicators and manage the data on the thousand products that he oversees the logistics for. But I guess i will know more later. I start a week from today. I don't have a place to live and I don't really know anyone in Lyon. Let the adventure begin.
1 comment:
yay for internships!!! this was an excellent post. and I am stalking your blog.
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