For those of you who are not up to date with my France Telecom/France Electric saga, let me fill you in. First, you may remember from a previous blog that I have a french bank account that I cannot put money into or take money out of. I had to HAD TO use this bank account to set up the electric and my phone line, but I ( and by I, I mean nanda) specifically told them that the account could not be debited for the bills and that I would pay in cash. Well, sure enough, both companies tried to debit money from my account and when I went to pay in cash, they said, sorry, but you've already paid. No, I did not. But possibly, BNP paribas did and now I will get kicked out of the country for overdrafting on an account that I am not officially allowed to use.
Anyways, the moral of the story is that today was take two for trying to pay en especes (that's cold hard cash). Samantha accompanied me for moral support and also to buy stamps, since you have to pay your bills at the post office for whatever crazy french reason. I was literally half hysterical and sweating bullets trying to figure out how i was going to explain the above saga en francais. The guy was really nice, although I'm pretty sure I heard him swear under his breath about halfway through my story. But then he just took the bill form from me and filled the rest of it out and took my money (which they wouldn't even do last time). SO, hooray. score one for emily. Hopefully, I won't get kicked out of the country, now. That would be good.
In other news, I'm pretty sure one of my french teachers thinks I'm a weirdo. Today, one of the guys in class tried to say he was hungry, but instead of saying, "J'ai faim" He said, " Je suis femme" or I am a woman. We had a good giggle about this and then he said in english, "well, sorry, i'm not a woman, I guess I left my breasts at home today." And the teacher said en francais, en francais and no one could remember the word for breasts, like the nice way to say it. I could only remember a very vulgar term for breasts which i stumbled across in the dictionary and taught to jason one of the spanish trackers and now cannot seem to forget. Anyways, i really tried not to say it, and i apologized in advance, but no one else could remember the word. So, then out of my mouth it came. Luckily, she laughed and corrected us on the nice way to say it. Just another day in the life of me.